Baby Micah

Over the weekend, our second child, Micah, was born. He has his own webpage if you want to follow along with his adventures.…

Try a New Startup and Help Nepal

One of my fellow Founder Institute [] graduates is using her startup to help raise funds for victims of the recent earthquake in Nepal. Here is her call to action: > You are all aware of Nepal earthquake and the damage it caused. They need your help. If…

FI's Startup Ecosystem Canvas

The Founder Institute [] released a Startup Ecosystem Canvas [] recently. As someone that moved from a mature startup ecosystem (Los Angeles) to a younger startup ecosystem (Bismarck, ND), it is an interesting read. I commend the good folks at organizations like Bismarck&…

Windows 10 on VirtualBox

A number of years ago, I attempted to run Windows on a VM within Linux. It didn't go well. I tried again with the Windows 10 Technical Preview and it works fine in VirtualBox on Arch Linux. It seems to run better than booting directly into the operating…

Project Management as a Profession

As I dig deeper into my dissertation research, I have been wondering whether the soft skills emerging as key to project success could help project management become a profession. Despite what PMI may tell us, I agree with Paul Giammalvo that project management is not a profession [http://www.mpug.…

Changes, Moving, Etc.

After seven years in Southern California, it is time for a change. In an effort to move to the exact opposite climate of Los Angeles, both in terms of weather and culture, we moved to North Dakota over the summer. I'm still working in project management (now for…

Putting Firefox OS v1.4 on a ZTE Open

Following the standard build instructions for Firefox OS will leave the ZTE Open in a boot loop. Here are the steps I took to get Firefox OS v1.4 bootable and working well on my ZTE Open. The boot image made in Phase 1 worked on v1.3 as well.…