Some Background

Since I plan to rejoin the blogging world after a 6-year hiatus, I thought I should reintroduce myself with a background post. Currently, I am a consultant helping the military develop or purchase new software systems. Previously, I worked for the Air Force on new space program development as a…

Econ is Done! (Part 1)

After paring the Asian Financial Crisis, Outsourcing, World Liquidity, and African Development into 11 pages, here are my even more abbreviated thoughts about these subjects. Asian Financial Crisis:  This financial crisis (the one of 1997) resulted from an inability of Asian nations to convince creditors that they would make good…

XM Radio has a Christmas Channel!

I just discovered that XM Radio [] has a Christmas songs channel (82).  My finals suddenly became much more festive--even if they play some odd Christmas music.  It must be quite the chore to gather up enough of the stuff to fill up a 24/7 broadcast…

Getting Things Done (Finally)

After being inspired by 43 Folders [], I finally picked up Getting Things Done [] by David Allen.  In limited form, I began implementing the system soon after reading the book.  Once school starts (or I get a break from…

ComFest 2005!

This Friday, Saturday, and Sunday is the ultimate celebration of community in Columbus, Ohio--ComFest []!  Hundreds, if not thousands of community members descend on Goodale park for a day of music, art, and free expression.  Pretty much anything goes and it is an amazing event.  I will…

Fun Coding Phenomenon of 06.21.05

I spent too long last night and some time this morning trying to decipher why one of the objects I used would not print to the screen in my latest PHP script addition.  After much angst, I realized the object I used (but did not write) was much more flexible…


I wish I did not love being unemployed as much as I do.  Within the three days since my contract with City Year expired, I sorted through everything I own, set-up my Getting Things Done system (see future post), and caught up on some things that have been hanging around…

The Last Two Weeks of City Year

I completed my term as an AmeriCorps member this past Friday.  The last two weeks were rough, but I expected that based on the agenda I adopted to try and leave a legacy in the last two weeks that could ensure idealism could exist at our site in the future.…