Since I plan to rejoin the blogging world after a 6-year hiatus, I thought I should reintroduce myself with a background post.
Currently, I am a consultant helping the military develop or purchase new software systems. Previously, I worked for the Air Force on new space program development as a project manager. In my spare time, I code PHP and Ruby on Rails and run a project management training company.
Earlier Blogging
I originally blogged from 2004 through 2007 while serving in AmeriCorps and attending graduate school for international affairs. Both of those provided me with some blog-worthy life events:
I helped plan large service projects in Columbus, Ohio and wanted to spread the word about my service and changing philosophy during AmeriCorps
Going to the Bush School at Texas A&M for grad school let me meet a lot of interesting people with insights I wanted to share with friends and family
I interned at the US Mission to the UN in NYC. The city alone gave me never-ending stories to post.
After leaving grad school and getting a job that didn't value openness the way grad school or AmeriCorps did, I stopped blogging.
Why Now?
I am re-entering the blogging world for a couple reasons:
My side company requires a lot of coding, which is always interesting to blog about (IMHO)
I am in a startup accelerator and want to keep a log of my progress in starting my startup--perhaps it will help someone else going through the process
Dave is building an interesting community here and I would rather be a part of it than watch from the sidelines
That's my intro for this blog.