Landing Pages and Incorporation

A couple progress points from the past week: 1. The sowedu landing page is live at It's very skeletal now, but connects to the MailChimp listserv I'm using to send development updates. Sign up if you want to see where sowedu goes.…

Another Week in Startup Fun

This past week had a couple interesting events I want to mention here. First, my Founder Institute class pitched to about ten mentors and angel investors on Monday. It was an interesting experience. Definitely learned that it's not time to raise funds for my company. I need to…


The Child has his first fireworks show last night (he fell asleep too early the last two 4ths). Here is the view he had from our backyard. Sorry about the poor quality. I took this while standing on a chair with The Child on my shoulders using my phone.…

Some Background

Since I plan to rejoin the blogging world after a 6-year hiatus, I thought I should reintroduce myself with a background post. Currently, I am a consultant helping the military develop or purchase new software systems. Previously, I worked for the Air Force on new space program development as a…

Econ is Done! (Part 1)

After paring the Asian Financial Crisis, Outsourcing, World Liquidity, and African Development into 11 pages, here are my even more abbreviated thoughts about these subjects. Asian Financial Crisis:  This financial crisis (the one of 1997) resulted from an inability of Asian nations to convince creditors that they would make good…

XM Radio has a Christmas Channel!

I just discovered that XM Radio [] has a Christmas songs channel (82).  My finals suddenly became much more festive--even if they play some odd Christmas music.  It must be quite the chore to gather up enough of the stuff to fill up a 24/7 broadcast…

Getting Things Done (Finally)

After being inspired by 43 Folders [], I finally picked up Getting Things Done [] by David Allen.  In limited form, I began implementing the system soon after reading the book.  Once school starts (or I get a break from…