This past week had a couple interesting events I want to mention here.
First, my Founder Institute class pitched to about ten mentors and angel investors on Monday. It was an interesting experience. Definitely learned that it's not time to raise funds for my company. I need to focus on making a product people love, not finding investors.
Second, I attended a CoFoundersLab event in Santa Monica. I met a lot of interesting people with great ideas, but was put off by the number of development companies there pushing their pre-packaged development products. I'm not sure why they think people looking for cofounders will be easily convinced to shell out $10K to outsource all development instead of partnering with a technical cofounder. One company's representative told me I had no hope of developing a web app and would require his services. Unless CoFoundersLab finds a way to restrict access to actual founders looking for cofounders (and not walking advertisements), I doubt I'll be back.
I should have more news later this week. Expecting some key decisions this week and will want to explain my reasoning here.