I'm finally working my way through the volumes of old Short Talk Bulletins published by the Masonic Service Association of North America. One of the earliest, from March 1923 presents some interesting lessons for today's masons navigating a politically tumultuous world. It's a brief bulletin titled "Roll Call" by E. J. Williams.
In describing the ongoing struggle between "Capital and Labor" of his day, Williams asks "what possible message can Freemasonry bring to all men in these days of complicated industrial and social anxieties?" He uses the teachings of the craft to come to this conclusion:
We are in no danger from men who disagree in judgment, but we may well fear an antagonism of hearts marked by hate and evil or selfish motive.
The achievement of this ideal will be accomplished only when the rule of love shall hold its sway over us. ... At this very "Tide in the affairs of men" we are passing through dark days of strife and perplexity in our industrial and social world, but in the fundamentals of the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man we have light enough to see us through the shadows.
This still rings true. We need to find ways to disagree that aren't dominated by hate. Spending too much time in the media swirl around us–no matter the source we choose–only leads to that hate of others. Get out of the house and work with others on labors of love and light. Enjoy the brotherhood of man even if that means enjoying time with those who disagree with you on political affairs.