So... I forgot the password to this site and eventually decided to abandon self-hosted Ghost for Ghost(Pro). After months of delay, I finally transfered all the old content tonight! It was good to read all the old posts and I copied them over by hand over the last couple of evenings.
On to some brief updates.
Since my last post, I have left the State of North Dakota both in terms of work and address. I'm working for SLI Government Solutions now and helping the State of South Carolina with the Medicaid payment system modernization as part of the IV&V team. Although I miss my team in North Dakota, IV&V is a much more natural fit for me and I'm happy with the change despite substantial travel.
We added another last November. Baby Ruth was born on November 16th last year and keeps growing in a desperate attempt to keep up with her brothers. Mike & Ike keep getting older too.
After first encountering the joys of beekeeping in Siberia in 2003, I finally am getting several hives of my own. Bees are arriving this weekend. Track the bees at the new Chellinsky Apriary and Meadery site!
For anyone that followed this site for some period of time, you'll notice a general shifting of my web properties to reflect new directions and priorities. Here's the rundown:
- --> my personal site (where you are reading this)
- --> the site for my fledgling apiary and meadery
- --> formerly the site for my startup (still says that), but soon to be the repository for my random PM tools and widgets